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7 Aftercare Tips for Lash Extensions to Share with Your Clients

There are enough articles directed towards clients who have lash extensions, however, where can Glamoreeyelashes seek out information? A proper eyelash extension care routine is crucial to your customer’s retention, as well as your well-qualified image! This is why we have put together the artist’s advice on lash care! This set of eyelash care guidelines are pretty common and will remain similar regardless of choice of adhesive or style! Make sure to warrant that you’re informing every individual of your customers regarding these procedures.

Eyelash Extension Aftercare Rules To Follow

Seven lash care instructions should be clear and obvious to your customers who are lash-curious. They want appear stunning and gorgeous throughout the duration of their lives you can, don’t you? The following eyelash extensions care tips can benefit customers maintain their stunning lash look you achieved!

It could be worthwhile the effort to give an actual copy of these eyelash extensions instructions for aftercare so that clients are able to keep them in mind during their appointments. Print these instructions on adorable colored paper, and then deliver them to home for a briefing on the appropriate care of their lashes.

Here are seven tips to be followed after getting extensions for your eyelashes.

1. Wash Lashes Daily

Daily washing is in my opinion the most essential instructions for eyelash extensions aftercare. But, daily washing seems to be the one thing that customers forget most! It is impossible to stress this point to your friends who love lashes satisfying. Wash thoroughly, then wash and wash! We have noticed that, our clients are told to stay clear of moisture, as well as other stuff, they assume that they aren’t allowed to apply lash extensions to their eyes AT all… which is not the case!

Encourage your patients to clean their lashes regularly ensures that they are clean and free of any debris or product containing oil. It is also possible to be bitten by eye hair mites! Yuck. Make them aware of what lash blemishes appear to be and I’ll guarantee your clients will be able to begin an everyday routine with the Lash Professional’s Dabbing Lash Remover!

2. Avoid Moisture

If you do not use the nano mister option it is important to let every client know they’ll be waiting at least 24 hours prior to adding any kind of moisturizing agent on their eyelash extensions! It’s a long period that some customers are unable to take the hot water of a shower, cooking on the stove or working out! Be sure to inform them of this before they start their appointment so that they are able to prepare in advance.

Injecting water molecules into the eyelash extensions of their clients too quickly can cause their eyeslashes to fall off almost in a matter of minutes. It is worth investing in the Lash Professional Nano Mister is an excellent method to cut down on this time-frame for customers. Nano misters can knock an entire 20 hours of that waiting time! The clients will only have to wait 4 hours for add the moisture. The research of the way nano misters perform is quite fascinating particularly if you’re an avid lash fan like I am.

3. Avoid Oil Around Lashes

The following eyelash extension care tip is vital. Refraining from oil-based cosmetics means the entire range of oil-based products. Some clients interpret this to mean, “Okay, no more oil based mascara… easy!”


This rule for lash care after washing is difficult since it goes beyond that. The power of a cosmetic product can be awe-inspiring. It includes cleansing products for the face makeup, moisturizers, and even foundation! The products are absorbed so deep into our skin they may extend all the way into our eyelash hair follicles… even when we try to avoid eye areas! Also, you should inform your customers know that cosmetics can lead to problems with retention without even being aware of it!

4. Avoid Touching/Rubbing Lashes

The act of touching or rubbing your eyes could be completely unconscious. Many clients have their eyes rubbed in sleeping. Make sure that every client is aware that this could result in their extensions’ lashes to eventually fall off. The oil or lotions that are left on the hands of their clients will degrade the glue and cause clients to visit for fills with lashes much more frequently — which for this particular case is not a great idea!

5. Avoid Sleeping on Lashes

It’s an incredibly difficult rules for aftercare of eyelashes. We can all admit that I’m a face sleeper. And I’ll forever be one. They are easy to identify but. If you’ve got a customer who has lashes that go everywhere, and I’m not talking about curly lashes, it’s a totally different scenario — it is likely you’re dealing with a face sleeper! In particular, if one eye has lashes that are crazy (their most dominant side of their face).

This is an important thing to include in their customer profile. Most of the time, customers are able to come back later and tell you they aren’t sure what caused it, and they have lost enough lashes in the corners of their eyes or just only one eye! If you’ve noticed the issue on their profile, you can find the solution for those who have them! “YOU ARE A FACE SLEEPER!”

If they can stop sleep directly on their lashes then excellent! If they cannot stop sleeping on their lashes, it’s excellent to educate them aware of how it can cause problems with retention. In this way, they can be able to leave the room with realistic retention and aftercare expectations. We suggest they get a silk or satin pillowcase in order to make their night more secure for the extensions!

6. Avoid Extreme Heat

My clients have visit me with swollen eyelashes. It’s comical. The culprits are either far from the souffle inside the oven or even their cigarettes or candle! This may seem to be evident concerns. However, for clients who’ve never had to take care around the heat, it could be an excellent topic to discuss prior to the event. Customers who are brand new to extensions on their lashes aren’t required to concers about the natural lashes shrinking when they are heated. Be sure to mention this rule of lash care prior to them coming in thinking they’re melting their lashes randomly.

7. Avoid Chemical Peels and Facials

If we don’t dissect each chemical, product, and ingredient, there’s not a way to tell if chemical peels or procedures can result in retention problems to our patients. The perfect option when a customer wants to know, is to stay clear of the eye region. This can warrant that nothing gets absorbed into that area, which I said earlier!

Understanding everything you need that you need to learn about eyelash extensions following care and maintenance will come from the experience. However, you could consider educating yourself whenever you can during the interim! Customers will be enthralled and loyal to your “all lash-knowing” artist! Placing the Eyelash Extensions Aftercare Kit as well as Sleek Store Display to increase sales and happier eyelashes is always a great option.

It’s never hurt to offer something for clients to check that they’re maintaining the gorgeous eyelashes! Take a look at the section titled “Freebies” for a downloadable templates for lash care that outline these guidelines!

There are enough articles directed towards clients who have lash extensions, however, where can lash professionals seek out information? A proper eyelash extension care routine is crucial to your customer’s retention, as well as your well-qualified image! This is why we have put together the artist’s advice on lash care! This set of eyelash care guidelines are pretty common and will remain similar regardless of choice of adhesive or style! Make sure to warrant that you’re informing every individual of your customers regarding these procedures.

Read More: How to Care For Eyelash Extensions?

Sam Smith
Sam Smith
Articles: 182